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1099 Tales of Entrepreneurship, Part 3

Love Thy Client: Building Relationships for a Thriving Business

As an educator turned entrepreneur myself, I have had the privilege of meeting numerous passionate folks pouring their hearts into building something from scratch. It's quite common to become too engrossed in the demanding pace of a grueling workload, burning the midnight oil, and the continuous pursuit of acquiring new clients. 

However, I have a theory that most entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners are not just in it for the money. There's a crucial aspect that many entrepreneurs fail to emphasize: the key lies in providing exceptional service to others. Maybe I'm way too optimistic, but I believe that they are in it because they love people as much as they love what they do. To build a business is to serve others.

Indeed, establishing a successful business necessitates careful planning and determination. However, the core of the matter is establishing meaningful connections with individuals and creating a beneficial influence on their lives. This service can take many forms in your business. Maybe it means "under-promising and over-delivering", providing your clients with more than they asked for because you know that it would delight them. 

Maybe it means spending a little more time than originally planned to teach your clients about a specific skill or tool so that they have a better grasp of a project. They may not have asked for it - they may not have even known it was necessary - but you do it because you know it will be of benefit to them. In short, it's providing more value than they expect. Wow them, just because.

a board meeting

The Power of Exceptional and Unexpected Service

Quick back story: Years ago, I had a long-time client named Jack (names changed to protect privacy, of course!). Jack was brilliant, creative, and...well, let's just say he had a penchant for misplacing things – from phones in Jerusalem to blazers in Cabo. As a key member of his team, is it my responsibility to jump in and help? Maybe not. Strictly speaking, retrieving lost items wasn't exactly in my job description as his remote assistant.

But here's the thing: being a great virtual assistant (VA), executive assistant, entrepreneur, or freelancer isn't just about ticking boxes. It's about seeing the bigger picture and understanding the people you work with. So, when Jack's frantic emails arrived, I jumped in without hesitation. A few frantic searches and helpful calls later, Jack's missing items were located. 

And so you see, I have, and will always give top-notch service, because doing good work is more than a technical thing. It's having the grace to care because we're all just people who often or not need assistance. Sometimes these ways are small in nature, or maybe they're bigger. At the end of the day, I joyfully feel in my heart that I am proud of my work because the client was relieved knowing that he made the right decision in hiring me.

If you're a business owner like myself, how and when did you wow your clients? 

Notes To Ponder

  • Service can come in various forms, and frequently, the most influential moments occur beyond the boundaries of a job description.

  • Building strong relationships and genuinely caring about your clients is essential for providing exceptional service.

Take Action Now

  • Do you agree that exceptional service is key to building a successful business? We'd love to hear your thoughts! Like this blog post if you believe in going the extra mile for your clients, share it if you know someone who could benefit from these tips, and leave a comment below telling us your favorite way to impress your clients!

  • Did you miss the previous installments of 1099 Tales of Entrepreneurship? Here are Part 1 and Part 2.

  • Want to learn more about how to provide better service to your clients and build thriving relationships? Subscribe to our newsletter for ongoing promos, tricks, and inspiring stories delivered straight to your inbox!

  • Ready to wow your clients with exceptional service? Let First Priority Services help you find the perfect VA. We specialize in matching you with the perfect VA who understands the importance of going the extra mile. Our team of skilled and dedicated professionals will become a seamless extension of your team, freeing you up to focus on the big picture while they handle the day-to-day tasks with exceptional care. Let First Priority Services help you unlock the power of exceptional service and watch your client relationships flourish!

  • Facing a pressing issue with your business? Don't wait! Schedule a call with us today to get the immediate assistance you need and get back on track. It’s FREE.

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